= typography with personality + quotes - bulls#it, daily. Available on tees at wordbonerstore.com. Ran by Peter Kay.

Other projects: fuckyeahkathyg, fuckyeahsubs and fashioin.

All rights reserved. All materials on this website belong to wordboner.com unless noted otherwise. If used, please give credit.
To keep up with the spirit of the day, today’s wordbonerism is not to be taken too seriously. It’s mostly a reminder to myself: if you eat, you’ll be fat.
Get this on a tee here or in the European store, make your own tee using this design, or get it on a print.

To keep up with the spirit of the day, today’s wordbonerism is not to be taken too seriously. It’s mostly a reminder to myself: if you eat, you’ll be fat.

Get this on a tee here or in the European store, make your own tee using this design, or get it on a print.

The Box (get this on a tee | get this on a tee in European store | make your own tee with this | get this on a postcard)
Once Opened (get this on a tee | get this on a tee in European store | make your own tee with this | get this on a postcard)