Paranoid (get this on a tee | make your own tee using this design | get this in European store | get this on a print or postcard)

Paranoid (get this on a tee | make your own tee using this design | get this in European store | get this on a print or postcard)
what did it say? what did it say? WHAT DID IT SAY!!!
Ooh. I know you’re going paranoid over the missing letters. Di ka nag-iisa. Spread the paranoia!
mandei needs this.
why. i am paranoid.
Story of my life, right?
It’s not paranoid if they’re really after you.
Alright now, that’s
it, can someone explain it to me?
I must be really, really, really rad then.
Great, now wordboner’s trying to flatter me.