Quantcast wordboner • Perfection Is The Most Boring Thing In The World...: enjoy your free wordboners

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Perfection Is The Most Boring Thing In The World (get it on a tee | make one yourself)
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  12. shuffleandplay reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    but this is what we still want. how ironic. :| :)
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  24. rayemalice reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    I beg to differ.
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    Because, then what can we all really IMPROVE on??? “Practice makes better…” -Ms. Judi Ventress (my mom)
  35. alittlebitofmomentum reblogged this from wordboner
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  40. insomnizophrenic reblogged this from wordboner
  41. a-m-anonymous reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    that’s so true
  42. himynameisnico reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    I still strive for
  43. monstersaurus reblogged this from wordboner
  44. thatsmyjoy reblogged this from laeticia and added:
    hahahahaha. ECHO that
  45. leah58b reblogged this from trickistokeepbreathing and added:
    A couple girls from high school called me the white-picket fence girl and said I’d live “a perfect life” whatever that...
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  50. lianngoesmoo reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    I find this so true. And for wordboner to come up with this, he’s...hell of a great...
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  52. dorkvader reblogged this from ohshiii
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  55. fangirlphilosophies reblogged this from carolingg-deactivated20090923
  56. neongreenjellyfish reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    i want to be perfect.
  57. monpetitami reblogged this from wordboner
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  62. reshrushcrash reblogged this from wordboner
  63. jolinienie reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    I have to agree with this.
  64. bibicore reblogged this from neon-electric
  65. phantomatic reblogged this from wordboner
  66. neon-electric reblogged this from fromsecondstory
  67. deeone reblogged this from kelliibobellii and added:
    ryaninrealife:wordboner: Perfection Is The Most Boring Thing In The World (get it on a tee | make one yourself)
  68. roomsofglory reblogged this from wordboner
  69. bexenstein reblogged this from wordboner
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  83. orangesponge reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    When everything is perfect - there’s nothing else in the world to awe you or...your jaw...
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    Wow. Haters can be really jealous. And to anyone who actually thinks this…hmm…I believe “F*UCK YOU!” would sum up my...
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    Diversity makes the world go round. (:
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  164. amandil reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    Wow that suddenly makes me totally interesting! =D
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  176. alvareo reblogged this from wordboner and added:
    Really? Well, then: Hello there, I am the most boring person in the world. XD
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    i like this. haha yay for sucking at everything.
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    i like to think so,too.
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    :O is this true?
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